Catalogue of projects

Welcome to my catalogue of projects. Here, you can find all the projects on my YouTube channel as well as on my GitHub...completely free. This also features my own personal projects that are not on my YouTube channel.

Frontend Mentor Projects

This category features projects from Frontend Mentor that I have attempted and completed. If it's complete, there's a YouTube video about it. Find the repository on my GitHub, @sankthomas, and the corresponding video on my YouTube channel: @tsbsankara

Frontend mentor

Random User Generator

This app uses the RandomUser API to get random fake user profiles.

API projects

GitHub Users

This app uses the free version of the GitHub users API to get and show user profiles.

API projects

Space X Data

This app uses the SpaceXData API to get all the latest details about the company, from rocket launches, to launchpads, to capsules.

API projects


This app uses the PokeAPI to get data about various Pokemon. It uses Chart.JS to show the stats for the various Pokemon, and of course, NextJs's file-based routing to build the internal pages.

API projects

Book Finder

This app uses the New York Times Books API to get a list of books. Using this API, we build the front-end using NextJs and deploy it to Vercel and Github - obviously. This app also makes use of the built-in routing in NextJs.

API projects

Sports App

Using The Sports DB API, this project leverages NextJs routing and Image components to build a server-rendered web app with lazy loading for the images to make it super fast.

API Projects

DevTo Clone is a popular articles website for developers to share and interact. They have a free API that I use in this project to get all the data that you will find when you open it up.

API Projects

Event creation and booking web app

Create events using form state management in NextJs. Add the events to localStorage so that you can access them in other pages within the application. Book said events and display them in the "Booked Events" section



Ever wondered how to create an invoice for your clients? Well, this app does just that. It is built in NextJs for the frontend framework, TailwindCSS for the styling, and jsPDF to generate PDFs of said invoices.


Food Palace

Build a food recipe app that uses The Meal DB API to get data about food categories and meals and display them to the UI. Look up your next meal in this app.

API Projects

Todo productivity app

The classic Todo app with a slick UI for you to enjoy tracking your projects with your daily tasks.

Normal projects

Password Generator

Build a password generator in NextJs. This is not a password manager - so don't be disappointed with the little features it has.

Normal projects


Diarry is a note taking application suitable for your every day needs. It features localStorage so that you don't lose access to any of your notes, edit and delete functionality, timestamps for your notes, and markdown capability. I launched this app on ProductHunt.

Note Taking

REST Countries App

The countries app showcases all the known countries of the world, their flags, and more details about them all using the RestCountries API. This project features dynamic routing using NextJs, TailwindCSS for the styling, and a search functionality for the countries.

API Projects

Blog Using Sanity CMS

This project uses's powerful CMS to deliver content from it's backend to your NextJs front-end.

API Projects

Markdown Editor

This is a markdown editor built to resemble VSCode's markdown editor and preview. It uses the Remarkable package from npm.

Normal Projects

The Real Dog App

This app shows dog breeds from all over the world. It uses TheDogAPI

API Projects

Natural Event Tracker

A map built using LeafletJS that shows natural events occurring all over the world using NASA's Earth Observatory Natural Event Tracker (EONET) API

API Projects